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god is a girlwww.yabo.net

作者: 亚博安卓 发布时间: 2019年10月17日 10:08:22

god is a girlwww.yabo.net 该歌谱演奏者为Groove Coverage,歌曲名称为god is a girl,歌谱类型为www.yabo.net 。《God is A Girl》由德国2001年创立的乐队Groove Coverage演唱的,收录于专辑《Covergirl》中。2003年,《God is A Girl》迅速登上德国DJ榜单的榜首,并问鼎2003年欧陆舞曲榜。G.C(Groove Coverage)凭借这首畅销单曲,开始在国际上走红,成名于流行乐坛。[1] 2006年,该歌曲创造中国海外音乐最高下载量的记录

god  is  a girlwww.yabo.net

god  is  a girlwww.yabo.net

god  is  a girlwww.yabo.net

god  is  a girlwww.yabo.net


Remembering me discover and see
All over the world she's known as a girl
To those who are free their minds shall be keep
Forgotten as the past 'cause history will last
God is a girl wherever you are
Do you believe it can you receive it
God is a girl whatever you say
Do you believe it can you receive it
God is a girl however you live
Do you believe it can you receive it
God is a girl she's only a girl
Do you believe it can you receive it
She wants to shine forever in time
She is so driven she's always mine
Clearly and free she wants you to be
A part of the future a girl like me
There is a sky illuminating us
Someone is out there that we truly trust
There is a rainbow for you and me
A beautiful sunrise eternally
God is a girl wherever you are
Do you believe it can you receive it
God is a girl whatever you say
Do you believe it can you receive it
God is a girl however you live
Do you believe it can you receive it
God is a girl she's only a girl
Do you believe it can you receive it
God is a girl wherever you are
Do you believe it can you receive it
God is a girl whatever you say
Do you believe it can you receive it
God is a girl however you live
Do you believe it can you receive it
God is a girl she's only a girl
Do you believe it can you receive it
God is a girl


Groove Coverage成立于2001年,主唱Mell加入乐队成功翻唱了Mike Oldfields的经典作,从德国单曲榜第8名攀升至第3名,赢得14周盘旋德国榜Top20纪录,并在德国取得了金唱片销量,并获取Echo音乐奖提名。乐队初露锋芒。
2002年底推出首张专辑『CoverGirl』,其中帮腔助阵的幕后演唱大功臣Verena以及Mell,都为歌曲增添更迷人声线。在专辑“Covergirl”中,单曲“God Is A Girl”以最快的速度登上了德国DJ榜单的第一名,并且问鼎2003年欧陆舞曲榜,成为该年度最强劲的“黑马”,这首歌使得乐队获得了极大的成功。此外的一首还被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作。
注:Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿)没有唱过这首歌。这首歌是由Groove Coverage所创作和演唱
