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Here to stay 死神配乐www.yabo.net

作者: 亚博安卓 发布时间: 2019年10月26日 16:09:09

Here to stay 死神配乐www.yabo.net 该歌谱演奏者为动漫 ,歌曲名称为Here to stay ,歌谱类型为www.yabo.net 。Here to stay中文停留于此是电影《东风破》的插曲,由香港鼓手恭硕良一人包办作曲、作词、编曲及主唱,并获得2011年4月17日第30届香港电影金像奖最佳原创电影歌曲奖。

Here to stay 死神配乐www.yabo.net

Here to stay 死神配乐www.yabo.net


Here to stay中文停留于此是电影《东风破》的插曲,由香港鼓手恭硕良一人包办作曲、作词、编曲及主唱,并获得2011年4月17日第30届香港电影金像奖最佳原创电影歌曲奖。


So many years I've gone to stray
I know I'm here to stay
so many things I want to say
My love I'm here to stay
We've cried we've laughed
We've shared our fears
and after all these years
I know there's just too much to say
should know I'm here to stay
So many nights I sat and prayed
that you are here to stay
and even when the skies are grey
God knows I'm here to stay
We've cried we've laughed
We've shared our fears
and after all these years
I know there's just too much to say
should know I'm here to stay
should know I'm here to stay
God knows I'm here to stay.
