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Bold As Lovewww.yabo.net

作者: 亚博安卓 发布时间: 2019年08月25日 22:31:18

Bold As Lovewww.yabo.net 该歌谱演奏者为Jimi Hendrix(吉米.亨德里克斯) ,歌曲名称为Bold As Love,歌谱类型为www.yabo.net 。Bold As Love 演唱:john mayer

Bold As Lovewww.yabo.net

Bold As Lovewww.yabo.net

Bold As Lovewww.yabo.net

Bold As Lovewww.yabo.net

Bold As Lovewww.yabo.net

Bold As Lovewww.yabo.net




Anger he smiles towering in shiny metallic purple armour
Queen jealousy envy waits behind him
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground
Blue are the life-giving waters taken for granted
They quietly understand
Once happy turquoise armies lay opposite ready
But wonder why the fight is on
But they’re all they're bold as love
Yeah they’re all they're bold as love love love
They’re all they're bold as love
Just ask the axis
John Mayer-Bold As Love
My red is so confident that he flashes trophies of war
And Ribbons of euphoria
Orange is young full of daring
But its very unsteady for the first go round
My yellow in this case is not so mellow
In fact I’m trying to say it’s frightened like me
And all these emotions of mine keep holding me from
Giving my life to a rainbow like you
But I’m I'm bold I’m bold as love
Yeah I’m bold I'm bold as love love love yea
I’m bold I'm bold as love
Just ask the axis
He knows he knows he knows
He knows everything
I'm bold I’m bold as love
I'm bold I’m bold as love ooh
Hear me talking to you
I'm bold I’m bold as love
