TWISTED 该歌谱演奏者为酷玩乐队,歌曲名称为TWISTED LOGIC,歌谱类型为 。Twisted Logic是著名乐队Coldplay(酷玩乐队)的专辑《X&Y》中的曲目之一,该专辑于2005年6月6日发行,发行后在英国排行榜第1名,美国排行榜第1名。
Sunlight opened up my eyes
To see for the first time
it opened them up
And tonight rivers will run dry
Not for the first time rivers will run
Twisted Logic
Twisted Logic
Hundreds of years in the future
There could be computers
looking for life on Earth
Don't fight for the wrong side
Say what you feel like
Say how you feel
You go backwards and then you go forwards again
You go backwards again you go
Creating then drilled and invading
If somebody made it someone will mess it up
And you you are not wrong to
Ask who does this belong to
It belongs to all of us
You go backwards again you go forwards again
You go backwards again you go forwards
You go backwards again you go forwards again
You go backwards again you go forwards
You go backwards again you go forwards
Twisted Logic
Twisted Logic
这次Coldplay的新专辑中除了自己独特地风格外还会融入其他电子音乐等音乐元素。Coldplay为制作这张新专辑可谓煞费苦心,不但选择在伦敦录音,而且邀请Danton Supple和KenNelson等著名制作人来制作,相信这次Coldplay一定会给歌迷们一个惊喜。