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Yellow Bird(金丝雀)www.yabo.net

作者: 亚博安卓 发布时间: 2019年09月09日 16:24:12

Yellow Bird(金丝雀)www.yabo.net 该歌谱演奏者为维吾尔族民歌 ,歌曲名称为Yellow Bird,歌谱类型为www.yabo.net 。Yellow bird 是The Brothers Four(四兄弟合唱团)的一张双唱片集《东京盒带》的白金名曲之一

Yellow Bird(金丝雀)www.yabo.net

Yellow Bird(金丝雀)www.yabo.net


Yellow bird 是The Brothers Four(四兄弟合唱团)的一张双唱片集《东京盒带》的白金名曲之一


Yellow bird, up high in banana tree.
  Yellow bird, you sit all alone like me.
  Did your lady friend leave the nest again?
  That is very sad, makes me feel so bad.
  You can fly away, in the sky away.
  You're more lucky than me.
  I also had a pretty girl, she's not with me today.
  They're all the same those pretty girls.
  Take tenderness, then they fly away.
Yellow bird, yellow bird.
  Did your lady friend leave the nest again?
  That is very sad, makes me feel so bad.
  You can fly away, in the sky away.
  You're more lucky than me.
  Wish that i were a yellow bird, i'd fly away with you.
  But i am not a yellow bird, so here i sit.
  Nothing i can do.
  Yellow bird, yellow bird.


YELLOW BIRDwww.yabo.net:YELLOW BIRDwww.yabo.net 该歌谱演奏者为四兄弟,歌曲名称为YELLOW BIRD,歌谱类型为。Yellow bird 是The Brothers Four(四兄弟合唱团)的一张双唱片集《东京盒带》的白金名曲之一

Yellow Bird(金丝雀)www.yabo.net:Yellow Bird(金丝雀)www.yabo.net 该歌谱演奏者为Chris Isaak ,歌曲名称为Yellow Bird,歌谱类型为。Yellow bird 是The Brothers Four(四兄弟合唱团)的一张双唱片集《东京盒带》的白金名曲之一


