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Seven Daffodilswww.yabo.net

作者: 亚博安卓 发布时间: 2019年09月10日 23:29:29

Seven Daffodilswww.yabo.net 该歌谱演奏者为The Brothers Four,歌曲名称为Seven Daffodils,歌谱类型为www.yabo.net 。《Seven Daffodils》是The Brothers Four演唱的一首歌曲,收录于2014年发行的《Sing of Our Times》专辑中。

Seven Daffodilswww.yabo.net

Seven Daffodilswww.yabo.net


Seven Daffodils是The Brothers Four(四兄弟合唱团)的专辑《Sing of Our Times》中的一首歌曲


Seven Daffodils
The Brother Four
I may not have a mansion
I haven't any landNot even a paper dollar
To twinkle in my hand
But I can show you morning
On a thousand hills
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils
I do not have a fortune
To buy you pretty things
But I can weave you moonbeams
For necklaces and rings
And I can show you morning
On a thousand hills
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils
Oh seven golden daffodils
All shinning in the sun
To light our way to evening
When our day is done
And I will give you music
And a crust of bread
A pillow of piney boughs
To rest your head
A pillow of piney boughs
To rest your head


Seven Daffodils(七朵水仙花)www.yabo.net:Seven Daffodils(七朵水仙花)www.yabo.net 该歌谱演奏者为Brother Four ,歌曲名称为Seven Daffodils,歌谱类型为。《Seven Daffodils》是The Brothers Four演唱的一首歌曲,收录于2014年发行的《Sing of Our Times》专辑中
