val="1657511022000">2022-07-11 11:43来源: 琪琪所记录的生活
7月6日,周杰伦最新专辑《最伟大的作品》(Greatest Works of Art)同名歌曲的MV一经发布立刻引爆全网。不到两个小时,在QQ音乐平台就获得了超过600万的点击量。
Pop singer-songwriter Jay Chou released the musicvideo for the title track on his upcoming album, Greatest Works of Art, on Wednesday, garnering more than 6 million views on QQ Music within two hours.
视频中,周杰伦走进了巴黎的标志性建筑莎玛丽丹(La Samaritaine)。该建筑有150多年的历史。接着,他用钢琴弹奏了一段旋律,穿越回了20世纪20年代。
In the video, Chou enters the La Samaritaine, a shopping mall that boasts a history of over 150 years and a landmark of Paris, and plays a melody on the piano that brings him back to the 1920s.
The plot echoes the fictional story told in Chou's directorial debut feature film, Secret, in which the protagonists travel back and forth in time by playing a magic score on a piano.
在MV中,周杰伦来到了无数现代艺术和文学作品诞生的世纪,拜访了伟大的艺术家们,其中包括比利时画家勒内·马格利特(Rene Magritte)和西班牙加泰罗尼亚画家萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dali),于1920年前往法国勤工俭学的中国画家常玉(1900-66),以及中国诗人徐志摩(1897-1931)。
Through his journey in the video, he interacts with iconic artists, including Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali, Chinese painter Chang Yu (1900-66) who went to France in 1920 on work study, and Chinese poet Xu Zhimo (1897-1931), exploring the Mecca for artists at a time when timeless works of modern art and literature were created.
这首歌的歌词也向梵高(Vincent Willem van Gogh)的《星空》、爱德华·蒙克(Edvard Munc)的《呐喊》和克劳德·莫奈(Claude Monet)的《日出印象》等作品致敬。
The track's lyrics also pay tribute to such masterpieces as Van Gogh's Starry Night, Edvard Munch's The Scream and Claude Monet's Impression Sunrise.
MV中出现的第一位艺术家是比利时超现实主义(surrealism)画家勒内·马格利特(Rene Magritte)。“变出的苹果”“不是烟斗的烟斗”“脸上的鸽子没有飞走”指的都是他的作品。
René Magritte, Belgian artist, was one of the most prominent Surrealist painters, whose bizarre flights of fancy blended horror, peril, comedy, and mystery.
马格利特的多数画作,充满了悖论。如歌词里提到的烟斗,源于1926年的著名作品《图像的背叛》(The Treachery of Images),对于这幅画,作者刻意用一句“这不是一支烟斗”(“This is not a pipe” ),切断了文字与图像的直接联系,使两者分离,质疑图形与语言之间并不是最简单的关系,从而展现了超现实主义的一种独特思考方式。
马格利特 《图像的背叛》
对于他的另一幅名画《人类之子》(The Son of Man),马格利特说: